• All of your information if confidential, and follows GDPR guidelines. At any time, you have the right to request the personal information which I may have.

  • For Personal One Off Workshops, I ask you to pay a 50% deposit to confirm your booking

    For Coaching Packages, I ask for 48 hours notice around cancellation or changes to our session.

  • I believe in helping my clients as far as possible, and therefore I have a cancellation policy.

    At the time of booking your workshop I ask you to pay for the event in full.

    If you need to cancel the workshop then this needs to be done in writing to info@madalainemunro.com and the following conditions apply:

    7 days or more in advance: I will refund your payment minus a 10% admin fee and any Paypal fees. Or I will minus the 10%, and any Paypal fees, and you can transfer the rest to another equivalent priced event.

    Less than 7 days advance: I will endeavour to fill your place and return your payment in full, minus 10% admin fee and any Paypal fees. If I can’t do this then your full payment will be kept.

    By paying for the workshop you indicate your agreement to these cancellation terms. If you have any questions about the policy please discuss them with me before paying the workshop fee.

  • Each Sexologist will have their own unique skill set and niche.

    I, personally, use a holistic approach to Sexology, which means addressing you as a person rather than only the challenges you may be facing at the moment.

    I am trained in a huge variety of modalities from Counseling, Somatic Sexolgy, Pyschosexual Somatic Therapy and Somatic Attachment Therapy.

    My particular niche is in trauma-informed approach - this means that I use my trainings and knowledge to support you to create long lasting sustainable change.

  • For those in my programmes, I offer light support through email, whatsapp or signal in between sessions.

  • I strive to make my services as accessible as possible. For 1:1 clients, I have a low cost clinic at a discretionary rate.

    For groups, I have a sliding scale for people to choose what they feel they can afford.

  • You can cancel through Squarespace scheduling on your booking confirmation, or message me directly through email on info@madalainemunro.com

  • This is up to each individual.

    For clients, you may choose one off sessions when you need, or enrol in a programme which will run over 4-5 months. I have clients who roll over, and work together long term.

  • The coaching will happen over zoom.

  • This space is for you to bring whatever feels important, and what would feel supportive for you. We can discuss what inspired you to book, what’s going on in your life, and I can answer any questions you have about working together.

  • All information is confidential & I store information using GDPR guidelines.

  • Yes. Unless I believe you are at risk, in which case I will inform my supervisor, what you share with me, stays with us.

  • Yes - each client has a unique meeting ID & password.

  • Absolutely! If you would like to stay anonymous, you can choose to fill out a different name.

  • As long as you feel it is supportive.

    I have worked with some clients long term, and because we have a long standing relationship, it can be something that can be picked up and put down whenever you may need extra support.

    I have some clients that I have worked during different phases of their life, when they have been single and now in relationship, or if they worked through a particular challenged and would like to take this work deeper. It is totally up to you.