Episode 009: How your Nervous System Impacts your Dating Experience

How do you process your triggers in dating? When do you notice you are triggered? Are you acting from your trigger or an empowered boundary?

We are exploring these questions in this solo episode. The science of the nervous system is often missed when discussing dating, so I thought to share on how we can understand our nervous system better, and how our trauma responses can show up when we are dating.

We cover -

  • Nervous system theory

  • Parasympathetic ANS Trauma responses such as freeze

  • Sympathetic ANS trauma responses such as flight, fight + fawn

  • Discerning between your boundaries and trauma responses

  • Tools to help you regulate your nervous system if you notice these responses coming up


Episode 008: Creating the Relationship You Want with Amanda + Neil Beirne


Episode 010: Boundaries for a Better Life