What Is Soul Gazing and Why You Should Try It

Are you looking to try something new with your partner and deepen your intimacy with one another? Soul gazing, also known as tantric eye gazing, may be the answer.

What Is Soul Gazing? 

Soul gazing is a practice of sitting opposite someone and connecting through your eyes, aka “the windows to the soul”, to create connection, deepen intimacy and foster trust.

There is no talking during soul gazing, but some people may incorporate touch such as joining hands together, or placing your hands onto each other’s hearts.


What Are The Benefits of Soul Gazing?

Practising soul gazing is an incredibly powerful way for partners to strengthen their connection beyond words, and to deepen their intimacy. Self-other merging can take place which can create a feeling of ‘oneness’ between one another. The continued eye contact can support trust building.

With long term partners, we can fall into the same routines for intimacy and pleasure, and soul gazing can be an excellent way to cultivate a new form of intimacy. It can also help to move away from the standard goal-oriented intimacy and move towards experience-orientated intimacy.

Soul gazing is not only beneficial for a relationship, it can also help to support you in yourself. It is a meditative practice which can allow you to connect to what you are feeling in your body and your emotions.

Tips For Practising Soul Gazing

While the practice itself may not be that long, taking time to prepare beforehand and time after to integrate what came up are key aspects of soul gazing. To support the practice, it can be helpful to create a space free of distractions with phones switched off or away. Prepare a relaxing environment perhaps by creating a low light and lighting a candle or smudging the space.

Sit down opposite one another, making sure you are both as comfortable as possible. Take some deep breaths together and when you feel ready, begin softly gazing into one another’s eyes. Try to avoid directly staring at them - try to allow your vision to slightly come in and out of focus.

Remember, there is no talking while soul gazing but do feel welcome to join hands. At first it may feel a little awkward or uncomfortable, and you may feel the urge to laugh. Difficult emotions may also come up. Remember this is all fine, and be sure to welcome all emotions that come your way with compassion. To help move away from any awkwardness, keep focusing on your breath. Also note that soul gazing will become easier and more beneficial after some practice - perhaps start with shorter rounds of around one minute and then keep building your way up.

These tips of mine along with more information on soul gazing were recently published in Pop Sugar here.


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If you are looking to deepen your relationship either with a partner or yourself, please take a look on my website to see how I may be able to help. I provide a space for all individuals to flourish and create the life, sex and relationships they have always dreamed of.

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