3 month coaching program


Fortnightly calls 

Embodied Practices

This 5 month programme is for those who are ready to completely transform their intimacy and go to the next level. 

Our comprehensive five-month program is specifically designed for individuals who are committed to creating deep and lasting transformation in their intimacy and relationships. Whether you're struggling with sexual issues, relationship challenges, or other barriers to intimacy, our program is designed to help you overcome these obstacles and experience the rich, fulfilling, and satisfying relationships you desire.

Over the course of five months, we'll work together to help you understand the underlying causes of your intimacy challenges and develop powerful tools and techniques for addressing them. From attachment therapy and inner child work to nervous system regulation and somatic sexology, our program combines a range of cutting-edge practices to help you access your full potential for pleasure, joy, and connection.

You'll receive personalized guidance and support every step of the way, as we work together to help you create a new vision for your intimate life and develop the skills and strategies you need to bring that vision to reality. Whether you're looking to deepen your existing relationships, explore new forms of intimacy, or simply feel more confident and empowered in your sexual and emotional expression, our program is designed to help you achieve your goals and create a life filled with love, joy, and meaning.

If you're ready to take your intimacy to the next level, we invite you to join us on this powerful and transformative journey. With our expert guidance and compassionate support, you'll be able to access your full potential for pleasure, connection, and fulfilment, and create the intimate relationships you truly deserve.

Let's begin